The Colors of the Cross

There are 7 distinct colors displayed within this cross. The colors are in a sequence that tells the Gospel of Christ, as written in The Holy Bible. The colors Red, White, Blue, Green, Gold, Purple, and Grey are displayed on a dark background which is indicative of darkness, sin and the “world” without Christ.  All the seven colors within the Cross tell the story of Jesus and how he is the Light in this darkness and He is the Salvation for a sinful world.

The color red appears twice and is both continuously and separately displayed. The continuum border of the color red tells us of Christ, “The Son of Man”, who shed His blood for us here on earth. The red at the top of the cross is representative of Jesus, The Son, within the Trinity. The Trinity, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit is representatively displayed in the colors Purple, Red and Grey, respectively at the top of the cross.

All the seven colors are bound by the continuous red outline which demonstrates the all encompassing Love of Christ and His sacrifice for us.  Through His Sacrifice, we may be forgiven of our sins and receive Salvation (white) and know Peace (blue).

The green line represents our Christian life, growth and service.  The Gold in the center of the cross symbolizes our Heavenly Home and the assurance of Eternal Life through Christ’s sacrifice and our belief in Him.

All of the colors have both a specific and collective message. Each color should remind us of the need to study the many scriptures of truth written in the Word of God, The Holy Bible.  “The Colors of the Cross” can be used as an aid in Bible study, worship, learning, growing as a Christian and sharing the Gospel.

The hymn “Tell Me The Story of Jesus” has the refrain: “Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my heart every word; tell me the story most precious, sweetest that ever was heard. “The Colors of the Cross”, displays the story most precious in color, helping us to be forever mindful of what Christ has done for us.  “The Colors of the Cross” can also help us tell the story to those who have not heard or believed.

It is my prayer that “The Colors of the Cross” be meaningful and helpful in your Christian journey, growth and witness to others. I have endeavored to create “The Colors of the Cross” using the colors I believe to be most appropriate to communicate the Gospel message found in  God’s Word – The Holy Bible.

“The Colors of The Cross” in Nature

When I observe the colors in nature, I find peace and opportunity to reflect on the awesome power of God.  When we take the time to observe and appreciate all the grand colors God has given us in the flora, fauna and firmament there is opportunity to come closer to Him through slowing down and noticing natures colors and the messages identified in The Colors of The Cross.

It is impossible for the best printers on earth to ever match the brilliance of the colors within God’s Creation as displayed in nature. Taking the time to notice and appreciate the beautiful colors of nature, we are not worshiping nature; we are worshiping the Creator of nature. All of “The Colors of the Cross” can be seen daily in nature and the skies above us.

We should be reminded and encouraged every time we see the beautiful colors of red, white, blue, green, gold, purple and silver grey, to recognize that God is within those colors and only He could have created such.

Our life’s journey on earth can be more joyful every day if we but take the time to observe the kaleidoscope of colors presented to us by nature, the weather changes, mountains, oceans, rivers, snow, and all the flora of God’s  Earth and gardens. As we observe the colors, we are reminded of Who created them and the messages they give us.  Each moment we spend in prayerful and thoughtful appreciation of the beautiful colors will keep us closer to Him and allow us to continually give Him the Glory and Praise for all he has done for us.  (Psalms 19:1)

Throughout God’s Gardens we can see the 7 Colors of the Cross and through these brilliant colors we can find wonderful messages and reminders of God’s Grace and the Peace that we have through Christ’s sacrifice for us.


When we see the brilliant reds, as the red in roses, we should enjoy the beauty and lift a thank you prayer to Him for saving us through the shedding of His blood sacrifice for us. Red reminds us of how Jesus precious blood was shed for us. Red reminds us that He is our Living Savior and He reigns on High and some day will return triumphantly.


 When we see the white of beautiful blooms such as the daffodils, wild olive, water lily, Easter Lily and the white clouds against a blue sky remind us of how our Salvation was secured for us through Christ.


The blue sky gives us a peaceful reassurance of our being secure in Christ.  Each clear blue sky or beautiful blossom of blue hydrangea or morning glory, each tiny blue berry, bluebonnet or calm deep blue water, all can provide us meaningful , peaceful moments if we but pause and lift a prayer of thanks for the Peace that passes all understanding.


There are many colors and shades of green to encourage us to grow spiritually just as the grass, vines, leaves and ferns are growing. The green vines provide water and nutrients for the leaves, blooms and fruits and any green can encourage us to be always growing in grace and knowledge of our Savior.  Green also reminds us that, as Christians we are to have and live life more abundantly, sharing the good news of the Gospel with others. 


In any golden sunrise or sunset or the golden autumn hickory leaves, goldenrod, gold daisy, marigold bloom or croatan leaf remind us of our Heavenly Home and our eternal life through our trust in Christ. Gold displayed in nature can speak to us like the words from the beautiful hymn “Blessed Assurance”:  “Oh what a foretaste of Glory Divine”.

GreyRed - Purple

 (Colors of the Trinity)

When one considers the awesome landscapes of this world and how the purple, red and grey colors of the Trinity are so beautifully displayed throughout, you know that only an awesome God could have created such panorama.


In the early morning sunrise as one sees the brilliant Heaven sent gold rays framing the “Purple Mountain Majesties” and the Grey early morning mists and fog gradually yielding to the warmth of the day, it is a time to see and know that God is on His throne. He speaks to us through His Colors, if we will but pause, see and accept his messages of assurance that He is our strength and guide. Psalms 121 and 46 tells us from whence our strength comes.

The purples and greys of the mountains and morning provide us with two of the three colors of the Trinity and the third color, Red is often displayed in varying brilliant shades in the Western skies as daylight wanes.  A Red Sky at night has historically been a portent of a good day ahead. Jesus admonished the Pharisees and Sadducees for predicting the weather but needing a sign to believe. Weather forecasting using the color of the sky is but a method of man, but the beautiful red and golden rays of light at sunset or sunrise are Heavenly messages to the Faithful.


Because we have Faith, (Hebrews 11:1), we do not need signs from nature or the sky as we know that The Word of God tells us that there are great days ahead.  The red in the sky during the last moments of daylight may be a fair weather forecast but for this Christian it is a reminder that Jesus, The Son, lives and has returned to Glory and He will triumphantly come again.  The gold in the sunset is a beautiful message that His Children will go to be with Him in Glory and walk at His side on Heaven’s streets of gold.


We are encouraged when we see and Grey, Red or Purple during bright sunny days yet we should also find comfort in even the cloudy, Grey, rainy or snowy days.  On a cloudy winter day, when we may not see the suns bright rays but we can rejoice in  the silver grey clouds as they remind us that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit is always here with us. Just as the cloud guided the Children of Israel, we all have our comforter and guide. Grey clouds should comfort us, knowing that we are not alone, The Comforter and Guide is always with us. Celebrate and lift Praise for the beauty of Grey skies. The color Grey in the clouds gives us a visual reminder of the presence of the Holy Spirit and the breezes and wind does the same.  When we feel the gentle breezes blowing against our cheeks, we have a real, sensory touch that is a reminder that the Holy Spirit is real and here with us.  Hearing the tree leaves rustle in the wind gives us assurance that through our Faith in Christ the Holy Spirit is at work, even if we sometimes do not see His work clearly or directly.


Actively looking for “The Colors of the Cross” in nature and purposely and prayerfully attaching a spiritual meaning and message to the colors displayed throughout God’s creation and nature will surely bring us closer to our Lord and the peace promised to us in the scriptures. Each time we observe one of these colors displayed in nature, we can see and be reminded of His presence in our lives and get a glimpse of the awesome Power and Love of God.


Just as there is no way for the best printers on earth to match the brilliant colors of God’s Creation as displayed in nature, no mortal through their own strength could ever tell of the magnitude of the message of love that the red and golden lines in the cross symbolize.


The songwriter so eloquently told of our inability to adequately pen or tell of the awesome power of our God when he wrote the following verse of the beautiful hymn, “The Love of God”:


“Could we the ink the ocean fill,

And were the skies of parchment made.

Were every stalk on earth a quill,

And every man a scribe by trade.

To write the love of God above

Would drain the ocean dry.

Nor could the scroll contain the whole

Though stretched from sky to sky.”


It is my prayer and hope that the “Colors of the Cross” be helpful to anyone in their Christian Growth and Journey. Most of all, I pray that it will be used by Christians to confidently witness to others about the Love of God and how Christ died for them. May lost souls be brought to Christ. To God be the Glory.

One Saved by His Grace,

David R. Smith

“For by Grace are you saved through Faith; and that not of yourself; it is the gift of God: not of works lest any man should boast”.  Ephesians 2:8-9